Posts Tagged ‘VS 2010’

When I attempted to add a web site to my existing solution file, I experienced that the Add New/Existing Web Site option in the context menu was not there. I’ve done this before and I’m pretty much sure this is a strange behavior of VS 2010 IDE.

I tried from re-starting VS 2010 to rebooting the machine. Unfortunately, nothing worked for me. So, I had some crazy idea to re-install VS. Luckily, my mind drew into do a web search whether somebody has previously experienced this weird behavior. Fortunately, I found a solution through a blog post written by chiragrdarji to get visible all the missing templates. This approach saved me a lot of time in re-installing the VS once again. 🙂

The only thing that you need to do is to open a Visual Studio Command Prompt and run the following command.

Before run this command, just close all your Visual Studio instances.

devenv /installvstemplates