Archive for July, 2011

Even though, it is always recommended to use TextBoxWatermark control which is supplied by Ajax Control Toolkit, there are some other ways to incorporate the same behavior while using JavaScripts and jQuery.

This is an illustration of using a water mark text in a textbox control while using only 2 simple JavaScripts (OnBlur and OnFocus events).

This is how it looks like,

Enter Something…” is the configured watermark text which is to disappear when the cursor is on the textbox or when a specific text (“Hi…”) is used.

Cursor is there on the textbox (OnFocus),


Before overriding…

After overriden…

Simple overridden function implementation

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” ““>”&gt;

<html xmlns=”” >


<title>Untitled Page</title>

<script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”>

// When a window.confirm() is called, it is overriden by CustomConfirm().

if (document.getElementById) {

window.confirm = function (mess, title, okBtnText, cancelBtnText, iconType) {

return CustomConfirm(mess, title, okBtnText, cancelBtnText, iconType);




What is Full Text Search?

This is the search functionality which enables a fast and easy way of searching text based data in SQL Server. Even though, full text search is not new to SQL Server 2005, there are some enhancements in performance and manageability of SQL Server 2005.

Why Full Text Search?

This is used as a replacement to LIKE queries to search a pattern in a large data set since, LIKE doesn’t yield the exact results in a huge data sets.

· In a huge data set, LIKE query behaves very slowly and it may take several minutes to return the results.

· LIKE query doesn’t work on formatted binary data.

Full text search is fast, efficient, can also be run on unstructured text data and supports for different data types like formatted binary.

Components of Full Text Search

MSFTESQL – Microsoft Full Text Engine for SQL Server

MSFTEFD – Microsoft Full Text Engine Filter Daemon which contains Filter, Protocol handler and Word breaker


MSFTESQL is a windows service that is tightly integrated with SQL Server 2005 which used as a search engine and built on top of MSSearch technology. The service provides,

· Implementing full text catalogs and indexes for database

· Querying the DB with words, phrases and words in close proximity

· Managing the full text catalogs that are stored in SQL Servers


At a glance to the subjected topic,  someone can argue, to deploy a third party assembly first it has to be signed with a valid strong name that is unique in time and space. How can an untrusted assembly be signed with a a valid public key cryptographic keys? As, the word IMPOSSIBLE contains the word POSSIBLE, there’s a way to sign a third party dll with a strong name and ultimately it is allowed to deploy that into Global Assembly Cache (GAC) .

In one of my project assignments, I had to deploy a third party assembly into GAC.  The following are the steps that I’ve followed.

  • First, generate a key file using “SN.exe” utility that is provided by .NET framework.

(myKeyFile.snk is the name of the key which stores under the GACDemo folder of C:\ drive)


Hello world!

Posted: July 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

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